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  7. NOpiates to Host After...

The NOPIATES Committee is sponsoring an After Dance Drug-Free Event at the Get Air Trampoline Park for 8th Grade Students on June 7.

If your child is an 8th grade student, they can participate by contacting Mrs. Anne′ by June 5 at annec@apcsd.org

The NOPIATES Committee is committed to raising addiction awareness and working with the schools and community to focus on prevention for our youth.

The 8th grade students were chosen by the committee because they received Drug and Alcohol Prevention Lessons in grades 5 through 8 provided by Mrs. Anne, the Rensselaer County Student Assistance Counselor.

The school, community, and county have been working together to help our youth avoid substance abuse and addiction.

It is the hope of the Committee that students will continue to take an active role in making healthy and safe choices. Drugs and Alcohol take away the goals and dreams of too many youth.