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Good afternoon HS Students and Parents/Guardians,


As a result of precautions related to Coronavirus, tomorrow (Monday, March 16, 2020) is scheduled to be the last day that students will come to APHS for instruction until after March 27.

Our objectives for this day will include:

  • allowing all students to see each of their teachers one more time before leaving,
  • making sure that all students know how each teacher will communicate with them in the weeks to come,
  • assessing which students at the high school will need access to internet and/or a device while at home
  • ensuring that all students are able to clean out lockers, and retrieve any materials they may need while at home.

Our schedule for the day will be a combined A-Day/B-Day schedule, allowing for students to see all of their teachers and have all of their classes. Please note that we will not run advisory. Our lunch block is the only block which will run in its normal daily configuration, allowing students and staff time to eat lunch. All other blocks are shortened. Since this schedule is so unique, we will make announcements at each transition throughout the day to help guide students and staff.

The schedule can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NVLR3p1N_2_DGp8x4tfpAU3pl300XIBOd83-Riur1fA/edit?usp=sharing

With changes to student schedules around the region, any students who have a block or period during which they would normally be at an outside placement/program or an early release/late arrival, etc. may report to the high school library.

We know that this is a unique, and certainly challenging, scenario for everyone in our school community and we truly appreciate your flexibility. The next couple of days will be interesting ones, but we are confident we will all do our best to set our students up for the best possible outcomes in the weeks ahead.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the high school at (518) 674-7002.