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Summer School Information

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced today that there will be no in-person summer school this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instruction will be done remotely, as it has over the course of the past few months. The state is expected to issue guidance in June about...

APHS News – May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020 Dear APHS Students, Parents and Guardians, Hang in there; we are on the “home stretch” of the school year!  The Underclass Awards and Career fair went well this week!  Thank you to all of the folks that helped behind the scenes and gave their...

Adopt-a-Senior Campaign

Hello APCSD Community, Averill Park CSD is going to celebrate our Class of 2020 with our own Adopt-A-Senior campaign. Ours will run slightly differently than other schools. We will have a one-day delivery and drop off on June 11. Drop off will be from 8-10 a.m. and...

Commencement for the Class of 2020

May 20, 2020   Dear Members and Parents/Guardians of the APHS Class of 2020, While this is certainly not the way that we had hoped to end your senior year, please know that we have been thinking of you a great deal over the past several months. We share the...