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  7. Update on School Reopening

We would like to provide the Averill Park Central School District community with an update on reopening our buildings in September.

We have been planning for different scenarios (in-person, remote and hybrid) and additional resources such as personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies and other health and safety needs. We are committed to bringing our students back onto campus in the fall, if that option exists from the State, and if we are able to do so safely.

While that is our goal, we have not received final guidance on reopening from the State. Governor Cuomo indicated today that this guidance will be released on July 13. Individual school district reopening plans will be due to the state by July 31 and the Governor will make a decision on reopening during the week of August 1.

As you can imagine, we have a lot of work to do to finalize a reopening plan that ensures the safety of our students and staff. We have begun engaging the community via a survey, which can be filled out here and will be open through Sunday, July 12. We have also formed school reopening committees comprised of different stakeholders.

Our priority will continue to be the health and safety of all students and staff – and supporting our students and families during this time of crisis. We will keep you informed on this topic throughout the coming weeks.