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  7. Tentative Reopening Plan Information

Dear Averill Park CSD community,

Over the course of the past few weeks we have gathered input regarding reopening in the fall through the use of our Reopening of Schools Task Force and Sub-Committee meetings, parent surveys, and guidance from the State Education Department and Department of Health.

After much consideration about the health and safety of our student body, faculty, and staff, we have tentatively decided that all elementary students (K-5) will return to classrooms in September with a plan to ensure proper social distancing measures, complying with SED guidance.

Grades 6-12 will partake in a hybrid format run in an A/B schedule. Approximately 50 percent of students will report to school buildings while the other half receives instruction in a virtual setting, alternating days. This will allow for proper social distancing, as well.

All students will receive new instruction every day. Virtual learning will not be the same as it was in the spring and a typical day of in-school instruction will also look much different this year.

In order to meet the needs of all our students, parents throughout the district (K-12) who are not comfortable with in-person instruction will have the opportunity to choose virtual instruction in an online environment.

More details will be provided in the near future as the District will be hosting a virtual community forum next week.