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Capital Project BCS Video

Mr. Heffner (Director of Facilities and Maintenance) talks about improvements that will be done behind the scenes in the proposed Capital Project. The AP community will vote on a Capital Project referendum in December.
Deputy Nikles Reads to Students

Deputy Nikles Reads to Students

SRO Deputy Nikles was a guest reader for first grade students at West Sand Lake Elementary last week! He read a story, talked about being kind and also a bit about his job and what he does to support AP students and the school district. It was a great visit and...
Honors Molecular Biology Students Build Kits

Honors Molecular Biology Students Build Kits

Honors molecular biology students used Molymod molecular model kits to build models of commonly known compounds seen in biology and everyday life, including glucose, ethanol, carbon dioxide and propane to name a few! The Molymod kits used in Dr. Panzanaro’s...
Kindergarten Students Learn From Spookley

Kindergarten Students Learn From Spookley

During their weekly Social Emotional learning time with Mrs. Beauchamp Kindergarteners at West Sand Lake Elementary School learned some important lessons from Spookley the Square Pumpkin. Even though Spookley felt sad at the beginning of the story because he was...
Students Hold Legislative Session in Fifth Grade

Students Hold Legislative Session in Fifth Grade

Mrs. Beck’s 5th grade class at WSL learned about the legislative branch this week and held a legislative session! They were senators, representatives, a senate majority leader, and a speaker of the house. Students wrote bills and voted to determine if they...