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  7. COVID Case at APHS

Averill Park CSD Community,


Today (Tuesday, November 10) we received confirmation that a staff member has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus at the High School.  We now have had three employees and two students in our high school test positive since the weekend.

The District has been in contact with the Rensselaer County Department of Health, which takes the lead on contact tracing and identifying individuals who may need to quarantine. All individuals who have been identified as a contact and who need to quarantine have been contacted directly by a member of the District.  

While we understand that you would like additional details, we are not permitted by privacy laws to identify students or staff members involved. We have provided as much information as possible. Anyone with questions and/or who needs to report a COVID-19 related health issue should contact the District’s COVID-19 resource person via the dedicated email address ( COVIDreporting@apcsd.org).

Instructional Model

As of today, the high school transitioned to remote learning for the duration of this week.

This news does not affect students in grades K-8. At this time there are no positive cases at any other APCSD buildings.  The District’s three elementary schools will continue with in-person instruction and the middle school will continue to be in a hybrid model.

Please rest assured that the District’s priority is protecting the health, welfare and safety of our students and staff while complying with federal, state and local orders and guidance.