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COVID Update: 1 New Case

Averill Park CSD families,   Today (Monday, Dec. 21) the District was notified that a high school student has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The individual has not been in our buildings since December 2 and does not require school-based contact tracing....

APHS Progress Reports Available

APHS Parents/Students: This is a reminder that Quarter 2 progress reports are available to view on SchoolTool. If you have any SchoolTool issues, please feel to contact someone in the Counseling Center at 518-674-7025 for support.

K-5 Transitioning to Remote Learning

Averill Park CSD Families, Today (Friday, Dec. 18), we have made the decision to transition all of our K-5 students to remote learning for the final three instructional days leading up to our Holiday Recess, beginning Monday, Dec. 21. This afternoon, we were notified...
Student Government Organizes Toys For Tots Drive

Student Government Organizes Toys For Tots Drive

The APHS Student Government-organized Marines Toys For Tots Program marched on despite obvious challenges due to COVID this holiday season! Many toys were collected for needy children of all ages in memory of APHS student Abigail Dutcher. APHS is honored to be a part...
Tie-Dye Day for Mario at APHS

Tie-Dye Day for Mario at APHS

APHS Student Government is facilitating a December Spirit Week! For one of our days, we will be having Tie Dye Day for Mario Hepp. Mario Hepp’s wish is to have a tie-dye day just for him before graduates this June. Some of you may not know but Tie Dye is...