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Current and Former Students Go (Virtual) Caroling

In lieu of live caroling, several of our students – current and recent alumni – created a collection of holiday/Christmas carols in video format. The concept of this project is to share these videos with everyone, but especially those for whom the holidays...

Algonquin News – Dec. 23, 2020

HOLIDAY RECESS The Averill Park CSD Holiday Recess will begin at the end of the day today. Classes will resume on Monday, January 4th, 2020. We wish you a happy and safe holiday season. Thank you. _______________________________________________________ FROM THE...

COVID Update: 1 New Case at WSL

Averill Park CSD families,  Last night the District was notified that a student at West Sand Lake Elementary School tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The individual has not been in our buildings since December 8. The District has worked with the Rensselaer...
AP Musicians Create CD in Lieu of Winter Concert

AP Musicians Create CD in Lieu of Winter Concert

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, music concerts can’t happen as we would like them to. But, that doesn’t mean the music stops! Our high school musicians have been hard at work this school year – and in lieu of a concert, they have produced a CD! Each...

COVID-19 Reporting

Averill Park CSD Community, Please be aware that you may notice positive cases of COVID-19 being reported on official social media accounts and online dashboards that do not match up with what we have reported today. There is no need for concern as this is retroactive...