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  7. APHS Warrior Wellness Schedule

Good Morning APHS Community,

We are fast approaching our first ever Warrior Wellness Day scheduled for this Thursday, January 28th. All students will be attending school virtually on this day, with the exception of students who attend external Questar programs and need transportation from the high school.  
Please review the schedule below to understand how the day will work. In the schedule you will note students will be attending two break out sessions. Last week our students signed up for the break out sessions they wish to attend. On the morning of the event they will be emailed google join codes for the sessions they have chosen. 
We will begin Warrior Wellness day at 8:40 am  in our 1st Block B day class. If students are scheduled for a study hall or do not have a block 1 B day class, they have been instructed to use the Google join code Attendance to attend a morning meet.Here students will be shown an introductory video and teachers will take attendance for the day.
We are excited to offer our students this innovative day on such an important topic. After the event we encourage you to talk with your students about the sessions they attended. If you have questions or need further support, please reach out to your child’scounselor for help.
Wellness Schedule