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  7. Five Students Graduate Early...

Five Averill Park High School students in the Class of 2021 have fulfilled their academic requirements in an accelerated manner and have graduated at the mid-year point in January.

Graduates include Tristan Mason, Kellan Rokjer, Kyle Sherman, Ruby Slyer and Hannah Williams.

“We are always proud of all of our graduates at APHS, but especially now, given the challenging landscape we have needed to navigate over the past year, it is even more impressive that this group of students was able to accelerate their completion of high school,” APHS Principal Heath Quiles said. “On behalf of everyone at Averill Park High School, I wish each of these students all the best, and we can’t wait to see them again as we celebrate the Class of 2021 together in June.”

The graduation ceremony for the full Class of 2021 is expected to be held on Saturday, June 26.

early graduates

(Pictured, from left, is Kellan Rokjer, Ruby Slyer, Hannah Williams and Kyle Sherman. Photo unavailable for Tristan Mason)