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  7. Virtual Choral Performances

Welcome to our virtual Choral Performance!

This year has created some obstacles for performing groups, the largest of which was how to provide authentic opportunities for students to sing and experience choral music. In a brainstorming session amongst friends, Mrs. Christy and Mrs. McLean stumbled upon an idea. It was crazy, but it felt possible. They would have their students collaborate to create a performance. Mrs. McLean’s students were in Rochester, Mrs. Christy’s were in Averill Park and in a normal year, time would not allow for such things, but maybe, just maybe they could find a positive in the pandemic and make this happen!

A piece was selected, Baba Yetu by Christopher Tin, and students learned and recorded their parts into FlipGrid. The teachers then mastered the tracks using the talented Dan Fosters accompaniment in a program called Logic and put the students’ videos into Final Cut Pro to bring you the performance you are about to enjoy!

The independent musicianship our students have had to use to make these performances possible cannot go unmentioned. We are so proud to be able to present this to you all and thank our kids for their hard work. You have made two pandemic chorus teachers so happy!

The Averill Park High School Choral Department hopes that you will enjoy some selections that the Treble Choir have been working on in class. Great job to all who were involved in the project!