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AMS Families:

As we prepare for the opening of school on Wednesday, September 8, we would like to update you on some important information for the coming school year.

This year our school’s theme is “Better Together.” This theme was selected to draw on our sense of community here at AMS. Students, families, and staff all make a big impact on creating our great learning environment and this theme reflects the contribution each member of our community has in our school.

While decisions on procedures and precautions for next year are being finalized by our BOCES and regional superintendents based on CDC guidance, we have been hard at work throughout the summer to make sure our school is ready for September. It is our intention to take the necessary safety steps to make this a great school year for all members of our school community. Once we do know more, we will be sure to communicate that information and our building plans with families.

As you know, our building was impacted, like so many families and businesses were here in Averill Park, by the July storm. Much of the eighth grade wing is now undergoing renovations, as is our cafeteria and some office spaces. We anticipate flooring to be installed in these areas in the coming days, which will allow us to set up temporary furniture to start the school year. New, permanent furniture for many of our grade 8 classrooms is in the works. We anticipate the permanent furniture will arrive in late Fall and will make for beautiful, modern learning spaces for our grade 8 students.

We hope that your family is having an enjoyable summer and that as your child starts thinking about September, they are excited to be at AMS with their friends and teachers.

Robert Messia, Principal
Brian Rhode, Assistant Principal
Algonquin Middle School




This year we will once again produce a series of new, short videos for students and families that will give more information about the upcoming school year. Last year we received positive feedback that these videos helped students get oriented to expectations and help everyone have a better understanding of school procedures. We plan to release these videos in late August to help everyone prepare for the transition back to school and hope that they are helpful to your child.



All Algonquin students will receive a letter in late-August informing them of their Morning Meeting assignment for the upcoming school year. Students will receive their course schedules on the first day of school.


GRADE 6 FAMILY VISITS (Formerly Locker Night) – SEPTEMBER 2 & 3:

This year incoming Grade 6 students and families are invited to visit at AMS in advance of the start of school, in order to see the building themselves prior to the first day of classes.

In the past we have held a “Locker Night” for grade 6 students. This year we plan on starting the year without using lockers. As a result, we’ve changed the format but still would like to encourage families to visit the school to assist with the transition process.

The visits are loosely structured, self-guided and offered in a long time window to allow families to spread out and have a relaxed visit here at AMS. There will be several fun activities built into the event.

The building will be open for these visits on Thursday, September 2, from 4-7 p.m. and on Friday, September 3, from 8 a.m. to Noon. Families should plan on spending about 45 minutes here in the building during one of these opportunities.

More information will be shared directly with incoming Grade 6 families in the coming weeks.

We hope this opportunity will support a smooth transition for your child to the upcoming school year.



Is your child feeling anxious about attending school in the fall? Does your child have concerns or worries about the upcoming school year? Going back to school can be stressful for any child especially those who have been hybrid or virtual. Reach out to our Student Assistance Counselor, Samantha Keenan, at Keenans@apcsd.org to set up a Google Meet or phone call with your student. Speaking with a counselor can make for an easier transition back to school and help to make them feel more comfortable.



As we prepare for the start of school, please consider reaching out if your child will need any assistance transitioning to in-person learning. We are glad to assist in any way possible.

Students who attended school virtually throughout the past school year are welcome to visit AMS during the Grade 6 Family Visit open building hours (Thursday, September 2, from 4-7 p.m. and on Friday, September 3, from 8 a.m. to Noon). More information about that program will be shared directly with families of students who attended virtually last year.

Additionally, our school counselors stand ready to help assist your child with this transition. Please reach out if a school counselor or principal can be of assistance.



Please click on the following link for the Grades 6-8 supply list:

Should any family need assistance with obtaining supplies for your child please reach out to your child’s school counselor. Thanks to the generosity of the Sand Lake Kiwanis we have supplies for students who need them.



Mark your calendars and join us for Algonquin’s new Learning Launch Night (formerly known as Open House) on Tuesday, September 14, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. More information about this new evening program for parents and students will be shared as we get closer to the event.



If you haven’t done so, now is a great time for students to get going on your summer reading assignment!

At AMS we know that students need to continually build and maintain their skills in reading and mathematics. As a result, our teachers have created important, engaging and manageable summer assignments to support student success in their upcoming grade level.

For Math: Students should be completing their daily math calendar assignments.

For ELA: Students should be reading their summer book and complete the short activity for their grade level prior to the start of school.

For those that need copies of materials, please view the following link: https://www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/ams-summerassignments



GRADE 6 FAMILIES: Please remember that your student needs the Tdap immunization by the time they turn 11. If they have already turned 11, please send in the physician immunization record if you have not already done so. NYS allows for 14 grace days from the day your student turns 11 to obtain the Tdap immunization. If they do not have the Tdap immunization by the fourteenth day after their 11th birthday, the district can opt to exclude your student.

GRADE 7 FAMILIES: Please remember to send in your student’s 7th grade physical, it is a NYS mandate and due by October 8, 2021. All 7th grade students, per NYS law, must have the Meningitis vaccine as well. Please send in documentation from your medical provider stating the vaccine was administered. The vaccine is due by October 1, 2021 or a note from your provider stating your child has an upcoming appointment, date included, is required if the vaccine is not administered by October 1.

GRADES 7 & 8 STUDENT ATHLETES: You must register in Family ID if you intend to try out for a sport. You must also have a current physical on file with the AMS health office. A physical is valid for a period of 1 year from the date it was completed. In order for your child to be approved to try out, their physical on file with the health office must have been completed within 1 year of the tryout/practice start date.

If your student requires medication to be given in school (daily or emergency), please print the form below, have your child’s medical provider complete it and return the form to the AMS health office. The link for the NYS physical exam form is also available below. Thank you.

Medication Administration Form: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vsgVkOsO6R5XZhium2gW1jZFGRReffJ7

NYS Health Exam Form: http://www.p12.nysed.gov/sss/documents/health-exam-form.pdf

AMS health office fax (518)674-8426



Please see the link below for more information about fall sports.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Mark Bubniak, the district’s athletic director.
