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COVID Update: 5 New Cases

On Friday, December 17, the Averill Park Central School District was notified that a staff member in the Transportation Department, a staff member at Algonquin Middle School, a student at Averill Park High School, a student at West Sand Lake Elementary School, and a...
Ben Stewart Principal for the Day at APHS

Ben Stewart Principal for the Day at APHS

On December 8, Averill Park High School Sophomore Ben Stewart served as the APHS Principal for the Day! Mr. Stewart did an excellent job running the building, taking care of students and staff, and keeping a positive vibe at the high school. Ben won this honor through...

Pop-Up Vaccine on Dec. 18 in Troy

The Governor’s office is leading a series of pop-up vaccination events across the state, between now and the end of the year, situated at holiday or shopping centers. A pop-up is planned to take place at the Troy Farmer’s Market this Saturday, December...

COVID Update: 4 New Cases

On Thursday, December 16, the Averill Park Central School District was notified that one student at Averill Park High School, one student at Algonquin Middle School, one student at West Sand Lake Elementary School, and one student at Miller Hill-Sand Lake Elementary...
Jaimie Hajduk Granted Tenure

Jaimie Hajduk Granted Tenure

During a Board of Education meeting on Monday, December 13, the Board granted tenure to Jaimie Hajduk. Ms. Hajduk began as a substitute teacher in the Averill Park Central School District before accepting a position as a Teaching Assistant, and then a full-time fifth...