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Dear Averill Park High School Community,

This email is a follow-up to the District’s communication that we will now transition to Remote Instruction for today, January 10, 2022.  
Here are some building-level details which we hope you will find helpful over the next few days:  
  • At this time, students are not required to attend Advisory.  
  • Teachers will send students links, via their school email accounts and/or their Google Classrooms, so that they may attend synchronous instruction for each scheduled class.  Students are expected to attend all classes on their schedules, as directed by their teacher.   It is very important that students monitor their email and teacher Classrooms frequently to obtain updates and information while in remote instruction.  
  • If your child is not able to attend remote instruction on a given day, please report the absence to our Attendance Office at aphsattendance@apcsd.org.  Whenever possible, please do this prior to the end of the remote first block, at 9:50 am.  
  • While we are not physically here in the building, please know that our Counseling and Support Services are still available to our students.  At any point, students and/or their families should feel free to contact our counselors, via email or phone, as needed.   The general number for the Counseling Center is 674-7025.  This line will be monitored regularly.  
  • Please feel free to connect with the HS Main Office with any needs that you might have.  The main line, 674-7002, will be monitored throughout the day.  Also, feel free to email our Assistant Principals, Mrs. Mein, Grades 9 and 11 (meinc@apcsd.org) or Mrs. Leach, Grades 10 and 12 (leachr@aphs.org) with any areas for which you need support.  Mr. Quiles, the High School Principal, is always available, as well, at quilesh@apcsd.org.  
  • One of the lessons we learned in the 20-21 school year is that remote instructional programs can very easily become a 24/7 operation.  This is not healthy, balanced, or good for anyone involved.  We will actively operate and maintain a high level of responsiveness throughout the school day, from 7 am until 4 pm, but will aim to go “dark” each day at 4 pm.   While students and staff may continue to work independently after hours, let’s please work together to collectively hold on to two-way communication, assignment prompts, and the expectation that we will create or respond to emails after hours.  Everyone, students and staff alike, deserves to shut off their devices each day, recharge, and spend time with family and friends.  
While we are absolutely confident that we are prepared and ready to deliver remote instruction, please know that we are all committed to in-person learning.  As soon as we are able to do so, we will get our students back into the building!  In the meantime, again, please be sure to reach out if you need anything.  All of us at APHS are here to help in any way that we can.  
Be healthy and stay well,
Heath C. Quiles
Averill Park High School