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APHS to Hold Career / Trades Fair on Oct. 27

APHS to Hold Career / Trades Fair on Oct. 27

APHS is excited to announce its Fall Career / Trades Fair which will be held on October 27! This will be a great opportunity for students to start learning about the many careers in the Capital Region. The goal is to build awareness and show the unique training and...
Retirements: Jennifer Yost

Retirements: Jennifer Yost

For nearly 28 years, Jennifer Yost has been working in the Averill Park Central School District. On Tuesday, October 18, the APHS Librarian will retire. “Even as a child, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I love the quest for knowledge and love sharing it with others,”...

APCSD Honors School Board During Recognition Week

The New York State School Boards Association recognizes October 17-21 as School Board Recognition Week. This is a time to promote awareness and understanding of the important work performed by local school boards. Public schools form the bedrock of our communities and...

Winter Sports Registration Open

Registration for winter sports begins today, Monday, October 17. All winter student-athletes should have their parent/guardian complete the Winter 2022-23 Registration Form at https://www.familyid.com/averill-park-central-school-district-athletic-department by Sunday,...