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Tracy Hacker started working at Averill Park High School as the School Psychologist in 1999. She retired this month after 24 years in the district, working in all five buildings.

“I became a school psychologist after working as a social worker with several area schools through the Rensco Student assistance program,” she said. “I loved my social work job, but wanted to know more about how students learn. I love puzzles and in working with students I felt I was missing some of the pieces. A few classes turned into a second Master’s degree and the degree turned into a career. I became the CSE chair quite inadvertently. There was a need and I agreed to fill it.”

Mrs. Hacker has many favorite memories from over the years, some of which come from her professional career and some which come from being the parent of an AP student.

“I guess that blending of worlds would really be my favorite memory – attending concerts, athletics, awards, open houses (all the big things and all the little things) as a parent and professional,” she said. “It has been so much fun watching students grow from kindergarten, to college, to parents, and in some cases colleagues!

“I am most proud of the relationships developed and maintained with staff and families throughout the district. When I exit the doors, no longer a faculty member, the connection I feel to the AP school community will remain.”

In retirement, Mrs. Hacker plans to enjoy summer travel with family and friends and garden more. In September, she plans to visit 30 beaches in 30 days on Cape Cod.
