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Mr. Duff Presents to Regional Superintendents

Averill Park High School Technology teacher, Matt Duff, has participated in the Questar III BOCES STEM Research Institute multiple times and presented to superintendents from school districts across the region this morning. The 7-week Questar III program pairs...

Notice: Pesticides to be Used on APHS Football Field

Averill Park CSD Community, Please be aware that a grub infestation exists on the Averill Park High School football field, which may lead to unsafe field conditions. To remedy this, the District will apply a selective pesticide on Sunday, September 24, 2023. New York...

Parent Information Night on Oct. 12

The first Parent Information Night of the school year is coming up on Oct. 12, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at Algonquin Middle School. Dr. Cosgrove will review the nature of developmental disabilities that can impact how a child functions in their home, school and community. We...

Construction Students Attend National Grid Event

Mr. Kozlowski and Mr. Engel took their construction practicum class to National Grid’s “touch a truck” event again this year! Students had the opportunity to talk to many different departments within the large energy company. These departments...

Algonquin News – September 20, 2023

AMS OUTDOOR MOVIE NIGHT – 9/29 The APO is sponsoring our first evening event of the year with the AMS Outdoor Movie Night on Friday, September 29th from 7pm to 9pm. The movie, by popular vote of the student body, will be The Sandlot. Tickets will cost $5.00 and...