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Motivational Speaker Chris Sandy Presents at APHS

This morning, Averill Park High School students in grades 9-10 attended a powerful “Choices Matter” assembly that included a presentation from Chris Sandy. Mr. Sandy spent more than eight years in prison after being involved in a fatal car accident in which he was...

Podcast: Teaching & Learning

This week on the Every Student Every Day Podcast, Superintendent Dr. James Franchini welcomes Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning, Matt Hladun, to talk about the innovative things going on inside classrooms, district initiatives, the creative use of...

Vika Grovenger Appears on the Big Screen

When Averill Park High School student Vika Grovenger isn’t studying for exams and doing homework, she’s busy learning lines or figuring out where to stand during filming for a television show. An aspiring actress and model, the APHS sophomore has appeared as an extra...