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Averill Park Schools Celebrate National School Lunch Week

To recognize the National School Lunch Program, serving nearly 30 million children each day, our schools will celebrate National School Lunch Week from October 9-13, 2023. The fun and creative campaign theme, “Level Up with School Lunch,” highlights the importance of...

WSL to Move to Bottled Water

Averill Park CSD Families, This morning, the District was notified that lead and copper levels in the water were slightly elevated at West Sand Lake Elementary School. Out of an abundance of caution, water fountains have been shut down and students and staff members...

AMS Club Collecting Items for Socktober

The Algonquin Middle School Kiwanis Builders Club is collecting new socks of all sizes for infants, children and adults during the month of October that will be donated to local shelters!

PSAT Readiness Test Moved to Oct. 13

Because of a tech issue, The PSAT readiness test will be moved from Wed., Oct 11 to Friday, Oct. 13, 2023 at 7:45-8:15/8:30 in the Auditorium. Passes will be cancelled for Wed. and will be rewritten for Friday.