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Empty Bowls Raises More Than $500

Averill Park High School, through combined efforts, held an Empty Bowls fundraiser on November 17 and raised more than $500 to support the Regional Food Bank. APHS students created hand-made ceramic bowls, which were sold for $10 a piece and came with a coupon for a...

Adaptive Swing Installed at WSL

Thanks to a grant from the Averill Park Education Foundation, a new adaptive wheelchair swing has been added to the playground at West Sand Lake Elementary School! Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this great piece of equipment to our students, including...

Community Forum to be Held on Dec. 13

The Averill Park Central School District will be holding its second Community Engagement Forum of the 2023-24 school year on Wednesday, December 13 at 6:00 p.m. in the High School Auditorium. The main topic for this forum will be the Warrior Renaming, with a goal of...

APHS Students Recognized for Achieving and Succeeding

The Leadership team at Averill Park High School would like to recognize and congratulate the following students for “Achieving and Succeeding” with their grades, attendance and discipline during the first quarter. The students on the lists below met the...