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  7. Retirements: Mike Whaley

Mike Whaley was working as a foreman at a lumber yard in Troy before leaving that position and landing at Averill Park. He started by subbing for a year, then he landed a full-time custodian position until he retired 18 years later. 

During Mike’s time in the district, he forged great relationships with coworkers and learned much from them. “Everyone was great, they were great to work with,” Mike said, “I got to be on a first-name basis with the people in the district office and became good friends with many of them. I can’t believe how great they were to me.” He continued to mention the excellent benefits package, advancement opportunities, and the great environment, which were all available to him within Averill Park CSD. Mike wanted to thank Aaron Heffner, the Superintendent of Buildings & Grounds, and Mike Ernest, the Head of Maintenance, for taking great care of the building and always coming to his aid, “I’ll remember their friendships,” he said. 

Looking to the future, Mike and his wife Desiree plan on spending a lot of time together. He also plans on maintaining his garden, which is full of vegetables and flowers.