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  7. Retirements: James McPartlin

After 34 years teaching in the high school social studies department, James McPartlin is set to retire this June. James started his career working at a private school, but he wanted to switch to a public school setting and landed at APHS. “My main focus has been AP Government & Politics, AP U.S. History, Regents U.S. History, and several electives including Criminal Justice and Psychology,” he said. 

The best part of his experience at APHS was the great people, especially his department peers. “I have been blessed to have worked with stellar educators who exude kindness, graciousness and a willingness to help in any way. Plus, and perhaps most important, they were always good for a hearty laugh at the end of a long day,“ James said. 

“By far, the most treasured memory (at APHS) involved my own children. In 2014, I was coaching Varsity Football and was on the field for my son Jimmy’s football Homecoming game. After the pre-game ceremonies celebrating him and the other seniors on the team, we lined up for the National Anthem. As I stood next to my son arm in arm, the announcer asked all to rise to hear my daughter, Caroline (who had kept it secret from me), sing the Anthem,” James said. “By far, the best memory of my time here!”

In retirement, James plans to enjoy a quiet life while working occasionally, volunteering, and spending time with his family.