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  7. Remote Learning Guidelines Update

Parents and Guardians,


As the situation regarding the length of our closure continues to change, we must also adapt our remote learning to meet those changes. The biggest change that we have made is regarding new learning at the K-5 level. To date, we have been focused on reviewing material that was already taught at the elementary level. However, with the closure being extended through April 29th, it is important that we start to introduce new learning to our elementary students starting April 20th. Elementary teachers have spent the past week identifying the critical learning standards that will better prepare students for future learning at the next grade level. Please realize that new learning at the K-5 level can in no way replace the type of learning our students receive in the classroom, so we are asking teachers to be very mindful of the time it takes to teach new material and use whatever pace is needed to ensure students acquire these concepts.

At the secondary level, as we have now entered into our fourth quarter, for the duration of the time that our buildings are closed, we will continue to operate under the premise that students will receive a Pass or Fail on their report card in this quarter. In the event school resumes during the fourth quarter, traditional grading could resume. However, no grades given during the period of building closure will be calculated in the fourth quarter average.

Thank you for your continued support and appreciation for the work that our staff is doing during these times. We continue to make efforts to make sure our teachers continue to maintain relationships with all of their students and provide them with the instructional support they need to be successful.

For an updated Remote Learning Guidelines document, click here.