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  7. Message From Principal Quiles
Good morning wonderful Class of 2020!    
This certainly has been a very busy time of year!  We know that you are receiving many emails and requests as we get ready to close this unique year.  As such, the high school leadership team would like to clarify the different requests you are receiving, as well as let you know who to contact if you have any questions.
Graduation: Herff-Jones, Marching Order and Stage Clips are going to produce a live stream presentation for our commencement ceremony. They will be emailing students and requesting they provide them with pictures and videos for the presentation. The Ceremony is Saturday June 27th at 9pm at the Jericho Drive in.  Questions about this request may be forwarded to Perezs@apcsd.org.  Additionally, you may reach out to Herrff Jones directly with technical questions, as needed. 
School District Social Media Senior Campaign:  Please send one slide in google or powerpoint which we will post on the district’s social media pages.  If your last name is  A-M please email Leachr@apcsd.org  and P-Z email Meinc@apcsd.org.  The content is entirely up to you but some suggestions are; where you will attend school in the fall, messages from parents, pictures of the student through the years, etc.  If you have any questions, please mail Leachr@apcsd.org 
June 15th Senior Parade: Students and their families are invited to drive through the route marked on the invite.  Along the route will be our K-12 faculty and staff, as well as members of the community.  The parade starts at 12:30, but we are asking participants to use the staggered times listed in the invite.  Keep an eye out for more information.  
Adopt a Senior: The Class of 2020 has also worked on an “adopt a senior” program.  A special gift will be dropped at your home on June 11th  Questions may be forwarded to freemann@apcsd.org or davierop@apcsd.org.  
We are extremely excited to have so many amazing events occuring for our seniors in the weeks to come!  Please let us know if you have any questions.  
Thank you and stay well!