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  7. COVID-19 Statement 9-8-2020

We have recently learned that two young people who attend Averill Park High School tested positive for COVID-19. These students, as well as the students identified by the Rensselaer County Department of Health (DOH) as contacts, will not attend Averill Park High School until they are cleared by DOH.

It is important to note that since school has not yet even started, these cases occurred outside of our school campus, outside of any school function, or any other school connection. Therefore, they have not had any impact on our school buildings or our staff at school.

While I fully understand you would like additional details, we are not permitted by privacy laws to identify the students involved. We have provided as much information as possible. Anyone with questions and/or anyone who needs to report a COVID-19 related health issue should contact the district’s COVID-19 Resource Person via the dedicated email address (COVIDreporting@apcsd.org) or contact the Rensselaer Department of Health at 518 270-2655. In these challenging times, rest assured that the District’s priority is protecting the health, welfare, and safety of students and staff while complying with any government orders and guidance related to the opening of schools.

We appreciate your understanding of the situation.