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  7. Remote Learning at AMS

AMS Families:

As you are aware the school district is switching temporarily to Remote Learning through the Thanksgiving Break. Below is important information about our Remote Learning Program.

If you have any difficulty opening the links below, please ask your child to open them on their school Chromebook.



Remote learning will look significantly different than the experience students had in the Spring.

Remote learning is structured with scheduled class sessions by period.

Attendance will be taken and grading will follow our traditional numeric grading process.

Students will be expected to participate in learning daily from 9am until 2:30pm, beginning in Morning Meeting with Google Meet each day.



Please watch our four minute Remote Learning Program overview with your child before tomorrow’s Morning Meeting.

Click here to watch the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v6ihI_Kba1xLBIfxToJIPShxaaICxhob/view?usp=sharing

Click here to view the slides narrated in the video: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1z-suOmgtXj61nDoSN194LPUIF5UBksJq_N41jaa2m2c/edit?usp=sharing

Additionally, for your reference, here is a link to the school rotation calendar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14DSbZyX-N4g49vq1clkXqOYHL1J6H3Qm/view?usp=sharing



Last week your child created a Remote Learning Schedule during Morning Meeting. This document will outline their class schedule for the days ahead.

If your child still needs to make a Remote Learning Schedule, below are directions and a template for their grade level:
– Video with directions for students on Remote Learning Schedule: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u5fsuwDfiG5QTNxR_ZL18dTfQu4jQ2hM/view?usp=sharing
– Grade 6 Remote Learning Schedule Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17PMTmSXp9tYteqGIzDfaa2LZDfdo8kx31lp_LtiUOxs/copy
– Grade 7 Remote Learning Schedule Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_Scx_aQ0eCm4IuE7us0lNvgqquQGW978Za_C9SkyALs/copy
– Grade 8 Remote Learning Schedule Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16hjtIm2WUJUOWi3RFSi_Bp8xY6EU9RnERfFaufxt8CE/copy



The AMS Main Office will be staffed each day should you or your child need any assistance. If you need assistance please call the school at 518-674-7100.

If your child needs technology support, please reach out to our Technology Department with this link: https://www.averillpark.k12.ny.us/techcontact

We appreciate your continued support of our school program and the district’s focus on everyone’s safety with this switch to temporary remote learning.

Thank you.
Rob Messia, Principal
Algonquin Middle School