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  7. New York State Zones...

Averill Park CSD Community,


As COVID-19 cases rise across our region and state, we continue to meet with local superintendents and our county health department to discuss these developments and ways we can continue to keep our buildings safely open.

New York State has begun designating areas with high COVID-19 infection rates as yellow, orange or red zones based on the positivity rates in those regions. If a region is placed in one of those zones, there are restrictions for schools.

Please note that Averill Park CSD is NOT currently in one of those zones. With cases rising throughout the state, though, we want to be ready to deal with the restrictions that will be placed upon the District.

Screening Tests

In order for the District to remain open while in a Yellow Zone, it must commit to conducting rapid screening tests on 20% of the in-person students and staff in all of our buildings over a two-week period. Students will be chosen from a pool of individuals whose families have given consent.

If the District enters an Orange Zone, it will need to continue to test new students and staff at a rate of 20% per month. Again, this test will be a rapid screening test and will be conducted by the school nurse on students whose families have given consent.

Consent Form

Just as we have asked for your continued assistance with following the new COVID-19 protocols, we would need your permission to administer tests to your children. The District is in the process of developing a consent form, more information will follow in the coming days. This only applies to in-person or hybrid students. Students who are learning in a full virtual setting are not required to be tested.


This test involves a non-invasive cotton swab just inside the nostril. These are not the deep-sinus swab tests conducted at medical facilities. Test results will be available in 15-20 minutes and will be shared with families affected. If a student or staff member tests positive, they must be kept at home until being released from quarantine by the County Department of Health. Please contact your child’s physician immediately after learning of a positive test result.

Going Forward

As always, the District will communicate with you if our area’s designation changes and we enter a Yellow Zone. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your building nurse or school principal. Thank you all for the patience and flexibility that you have shown throughout this pandemic. We will continue to put the health and safety of our students and staff at the forefront of every decision made.



Dr. James Franchini
Superintendent of Schools




Please see the chart below for the state’s criteria for our county.

Tier 2


Geographic area (ZIP, census tract, etc.) is located within a county of 150,000 or more people (and jurisdiction is not included in Tier 1).

Geographic area has 7-day rolling average positivity above 3% for 10 days


Geographic area has 12 or more new daily cases per

100,000 residents on 7-day average

Geographic area has 7-day rolling average positivity above 4% for 10 days


Geographic area has 12 or more new daily cases per

100,000 residents on 7-day average

Geographic area has 7-day rolling average positivity above 5% for 10 days


Geographic area has 12 or more new daily cases per

100,000 residents on 7-day average