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  7. AP Musicians Create CD...

Due to the ongoing Pandemic, music concerts can’t happen as we would like them to. But, that doesn’t mean the music stops! Our high school musicians have been hard at work this school year – and in lieu of a concert, they have produced a CD!

Each track represents a different ensemble cohort in the high school during hybrid learning. While the original plan was to record the pieces live prior to Thanksgiving, that became an impossibility with remote learning. Therefore, each player had to send in their own part, and then these were combining into a larger ensemble work.

All the tracks represent a variety of learned skills, concepts and techniques that are consistent with our program. We hope that as you enjoy the music we have prepared, you will be as impressed with our student’s fortitude as with their musical skills.

(Click the below album cover to listen to the CD. Cover art by Lauren Wicks – choir student)

Pandemic Presents Seasons Greetings from 6 feet away cover