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  7. Sophomores Start Sustainable Letter-Writing...

Averill Park High School sophomores in Troop 1260 wrote more than 25 letters to women in public office as part of their “GIRLtopia” Journey!

Their mission was to create a vision of what an ideal world for girls looks like, and then move the world a step closer to that ideal through a “Take Action Project.” They took action by starting a letter-writing campaign to women in public office, using sustainable recycled paper and envelopes purchased from small businesses and supporting the U.S. Postal Service with the purchase of stamps.

The letters detailed their support of women in politics, their passion for the environment, and the importance of the USPS. The girls (Emma Hanlon, Gwen Jamison, Isla Multunas and Isabelle Relyea) want to encourage others to keep this campaign going by contacting government leaders to voice their opinions. They want to extend their thanks to Mary Pat Donnelly and Cindy Doran for their encouragement and financial support of this project.

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