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Dear Parents/Guardians:


I want to take a moment and say how very proud we are of the work our students are accomplishing together during this period of remote learning.

We all know that while this situation is far from ideal, our students are learning and growing in their skills, work-habits and independence.

The AMS student body has demonstrated tremendous resilience and character in approaching their school work over these past several days. And while this is a challenging time for everyone in our school community, together our students are showing themselves to be true Warriors.

Thank you for the many ways you continue to support your child’s learning during this period of remote learning.

Rob Messia



January has some important dates with events and attendance changes that you should be sure to make note of.

Monday, January 25th. Picture day #1. Students attending in-person this day will have their pictures taken during the day. The photographer will be staying from 2:30 till 4:30 to take pictures of virtual students as well.

Tuesday, January 26th. Picture day #2. Students attending in-person this day will have their pictures taken during the day. The photographer will be staying from 2:30 till 4:30 to take pictures of virtual students as well.

Thursday, January 28th. This is our student wellness day for grades 6-12. All students will attend events virtually from home on this day.

Friday, January 29th. This is a Superintendent’s Conference day for AP staff and a day off from school for all students K-12.



Coming up on Thursday, January 28th, students in grades 6-12 will be participating in the first ever “AP Wellness Day.” We know that this has been a challenging year for all people across the world.

This special day will include viewing the acclaimed film “Angst,” participating in virtual Morning Meeting discussions, attending breakout sessions on topics with student choice and optional extension activities for students to continue their learning and application of strategies. In order to make this day effective and to allow all students to participate, Thursday, January 28th will be a day of REMOTE LEARNING for all students in grades 6-12.

To increase awareness and help students strategies to learn how to manage stress and the challenges we’ve all faced, our counseling staff and teachers are currently developing programming for students for a full day of learning on wellness topics. We are excited to share this special day with students and will have more information to share in the weeks ahead. Thank you.


Sora Ebooks and Audiobooks:
AMS readers can check out Bookflix: it’s a great way to access ebooks on Sora any time! All these ebooks are available in unlimited copies. All students need to do is log in to Sora using their AP Google account! Remember, Sora is also a free app they can use on their phone. If you have questions, please ask Mrs. Ekstrom. ekstromr@apcsd.org
Bookflix for Always Available Books.pptx
Google Slides slide:

Ebooks and Audiobooks from the Public Library:
Don’t Forget that the public library is an awesome resource for you and your family. Check out this information sheet to get a library card and to access these books: