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  7. Updated Travel Guidance Effective...

As we head into our Spring Recess, we would like to share some recently updated information regarding state travel guidance.

Beginning Thursday, April 1, there will be no restrictions on domestic travel, though no written guidance is currently available to school districts. Here is what this means for you:

  • Effective April 1, there will be no need to quarantine when returning to New York state from any other state in the country.
  • It does not matter if you have received the vaccine or not, you may travel without restrictions upon your return.
  • International travel still has restrictions and those returning from another country must follow quarantine protocols.
  • The CDC does not recommend travel unless it is essential.
  • If you travel, you must still complete the traveler health form, which can be found here.
  • You and/or your child do not have to be tested upon return to New York unless you are symptomatic. If you, or anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms, do not send your child to school.
  • Continue to complete the daily health screening form each morning and monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Please understand that if cases spike again, travel restrictions may return, and you may need to quarantine if they are implemented while you are out of state.

We will continue to monitor guidance and communicate any changes.

While we are encouraged by the fact that vaccines are becoming available to more and more of our community members, we must remain vigilant in our fight against this pandemic by following all health and safety protocols so that we do not experience another wave of the virus.