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  7. Chris Herren to Present...

Dear Averill Park High School Students and Parents!

We are extremely excited to announce that former NBA player, Chris Herren, will be presenting a school-wide assembly to all APHS students on the morning of Wednesday, May 18! This program is being provided to our students with the generous support of our partners at the Averill Park Education Foundation, NOpiates, and the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department.

Chris Herren presents to students nationwide about the importance of good decision-making, particularly with regards to the use of substances, such as opioids. Since 2009, Chris Herren has spoken to over 1 million students and community members, sparking honest discussions on the topics of substance use disorder and wellness. A person in long-term recovery, Chris continues to share his story nationally with a renewed focus on prevention education and challenging audiences to rethink how we look at the disease of addiction.

For more information about his talks, please be sure to take a look at his website, linked here: https://herrentalks.com/

We are looking forward to providing our students with this wonderful opportunity, and we thank our community partners for making this experience possible!