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  7. Retirements: Jennifer Yost

For nearly 28 years, Jennifer Yost has been working in the Averill Park Central School District. On Tuesday, October 18, the APHS Librarian will retire.

“Even as a child, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I love the quest for knowledge and love sharing it with others,” she said.

Mrs. Yost spent 22 years at West Sand Lake Elementary School and six at the High School.

“I love seeing the kids that I taught in elementary school as young adults now in the high school,” she said. “They are such upstanding young people and I’m proud of them. The fact that they grew up to be such wonderful individuals is a memory I will cherish.

“I will miss the interaction and connections with the students on a daily basis,” she added. “I do plan on subbing, so I will get my ‘kid fix’ that way when I retire.”

In retirement, Mrs. Yost plans to travel. She has a trip to West Africa booked, along with a cruise to the Greek islands, a trip to Istanbul, and a trip to southern Mexico.

jennifer yost