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Miller Hill / Sand Lake Elementary

Elementary School News

Parent Guide to Internet Safety for the Summer

As we enter the summer months, we hope everyone in our school community enjoys some much-needed rest, relaxation, and fun. With children having more free time at home during the next two months, it is likely that they will be spending more time online. While the...

MHSL Student Council Celebrates 2nd Year

The Miller Hill-Sand Lake Elementary School Student Council celebrated its second year this week! The Council was made of 12 fourth and fifth grade elected officers who represented their homerooms and our school community. The Council met with advisors, Ms Kalage and...

Second Grade Students Learn Beekeeping at a APHS Visit

Ms. Caboot's Sustainable Horticulture students hosted the 2nd grade students from the three elementary schools on Friday! High School students ran stations to engage 2nd grade students in the topic of pollination! Senior Marlee Cooke, showcased the observation beehive...

MHSL Featured a Guest Speaker and Planted a Tree

On Friday, April 26, in honor of Arbor Day, MHSL had a guest speaker Mr. Brian Smith, a Certified Arborist (#SW-0039AT), who talked about tree science and how trees can vary. Also, a new tree was planted in recognition of the 2024 MHSL Grade 5 students (future APHS...

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Miller Hill / Sand Lake Elementary
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Denis Sibson, Building Principal
Main Office: (518) 674-7075 Fax: (518) 674-8003 
8439 Miller Hill, Averill Park, NY 12018