Usage of personal devices on the Averill Park Central School District wireless is intended to support and extend student learning.

Faculty, staff, and students should use BYOD to connect to the district’s wireless


How do I get my cell phone on BYOD?


What is BYOD?
BYOD “Bring Your Own Device” is a learning initiative to enhance student learning where personal devices will be used for permissible, education, instructional purposes. Students are permitted to use BYOD at teacher discretion and will only use appropriate educational applications for the purpose of:
○ Research
○ Collaboration
○ Accessing filtered websites
○ Tracking classroom assignments
○ Completing instructional activities
○ accessing files, programs or internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum

*** Teachers make the final decision for any BYOD tools used in the classroom
using professional discretion. ***

What if I don’t have access to a device?
All students will continue to be able to utilize our school equipment. No student will be left out of the instruction process due to limited access of BYOD and students are never required to bring in outside technology to school.

BEFORE bringing in a personal device……

Averill Park Central School District recommends you:
○ Record serial and model numbers of any device brought to school.
○ Install virus protection and tracking software
○ Set PIN lock code or password on devices where possible.

What are my responsibilities when I BYOD?

The student takes full responsibility for his or her technology device and brings them at their own risk.
○ The school district and members of faculty & staff are not responsible
for the security, damage, or loss of student-owned technology.
○ Students are strongly encouraged to lock up or securely store devices when not in use.

● The technology must be in silent mode while on school campuses and while riding school buses.
● The technology may not be used for academic dishonesty or personal
● The student may only access files, programs, or internet sites on the device which relate to classroom curriculum.
● The student complies with teachers’ requests to shutdown the device or close
the screen.



It is the responsibility of the student to come to school with a charged
device when they are needed
○ Charging stations may/may not be available at school
Teachers will make the final decision for any devices used in the classroom. Students not following expectations for use of personal devices will face school disciplinary measures.
○ Students may lose the privilege to use personal devices in school for a
period of time.
The student only accesses the internet using the district’s wireless network The student understands that infecting the network with a virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy or provide access to unauthorized data or information is in violation of the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) and will result in disciplinary actions.
The student acknowledges that processing or accessing information on school
property related “hacking,” altering, or bypassing network security policies is in violation of the AUP and will result in disciplinary actions.
● The District has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected
of causing problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection.

What district provided resources will be available?

● Any web-based district subscriptions and databases will be available via the guest network.
● Whenever possible, classroom lessons will be tailored for software/websites
that are freely available on the internet.
● The same filters that prevent many social media and inappropriate sites on our district owned devices are used on our wireless network.

What district provided resources will not be available through

● Printing from personal devices while at school will not be available.
● Averill Park CSD will not provide nor require paid apps or software for personal devices.
● Teachers will not be responsible for troubleshooting or charging your device.

If I use BYOD what information will I need to connect?

Averill Park students with personal devices:

● Students with a valid Averill Park account should connect personal
devices to BYOD. After entering a valid username (graduation year, last name, first initial) and password the device will connect.

After connecting, users may need to open their browser and refresh their
page to access a logon site.

Wireless Connection Troubleshooting tips:
○ Apple devices
○ Android devices
○ Windows devices

What is the district’s Acceptable Use Policy?

The district’s complete policy can be found here or on the district’s website.
Our wireless network is identified under the umbrella of district computer
resources which is addressed in the AUP (Acceptable Use Policy).



If you have a google pixel phone, please contact the District Tech office for instructions.



