Congratulations to Kasey Fitzgerald and Susan Ford for being named Averill Park CSD Employees of the Month for April, 2023!

Kasey has worked in the district for more than 30 years as a classroom aide, currently in the library at Algonquin Middle School. She greets students and staff by name and helps students with their Chromebooks, finding materials they are looking for, and anything else that is thrown at her. Kasey is willing to chip in and help in any capacity. She goes above and beyond and does so with a smile, helping things run as smoothly as possible in the AMS library.

Susan’s impact on students at Averill Park High School is far reaching. Not only does she bend over backwards for her students as a teacher, but she also coordinates the annual Washington, D.C. trip for high school students. In fact, Susan has helped with the trip every year for the past 20 years, making it a life-long memory for many Averill Park students. As a Special Education teacher, Susan believes in each one of her students, puts in a tremendous amount of effort, and keeps track of them after graduation.

