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Dear APHS students, parents, and community,

I hope that the summer is off to a good start for all of you!
I want folks to be aware that APHS is under a good deal of construction this summer. This includes new roofing, updates to the bus atrium and cafeteria kitchen, a more secure front entry and building-wide key system, as well as the replacement of the bleachers in the gym. We are very excited to see the outcomes of these big projects as we open the 2023-24 school year.
As a result of this work, access to our building will be irregular for most of the summer. The main entrance will be inaccessible for potentially long periods of time.
During July and early August, if you need access to the Main Office or Guidance Office at APHS, please drive to the back entrance of the high school, to our back faculty parking lot, and use the entrance closest to the softball fields. You will see signage in that area, and at the door itself, you will see instructions with numbers to call to gain entry to the building, depending on who you need to see.
This entrance will be used for all of our summer school programs, as well, which begin on July 10.
Our Guidance Office is open M-Th from 8 am -12 pm.
The phone number for this office is (518) 674-7025.
Our HS Main Office is open M-Th from 8 am – 2 pm.
The phone number for this office is (518) 674-7002.
Despite a great deal of important work around the campus, we remain committed to our availability to students, parents, and school community this summer. If there is anything that you need, please don’t hesitate to let us know, and ENJOY the summer months. They go quickly!
Sincerely yours,
Heath C. Quiles
Averill Park High School