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  7. APCSD Receives Audit for...

The Averill Park Central School District is pleased to announce that once again the District has received an unqualified audit opinion from the independent auditing firm, Marvin and Co., PC (Auditors). The Financial Statement and Federal Single Audit covered the District’s 2018-19 Financial Statements and Federal grant awards.

An unqualified opinion, or “clean” audit opinion as it often referred to, is the highest level of assurance an auditor can provide that the District’s financial statements are free from material misstatement and are fairly presented in accordance with General Accepted Accounting Principles.

Furthermore, the Auditors noted no findings or management issues as a result of their audit. A finding is a deficiency, material weakness, or misstatement, discovered during an audit, which the auditor is required to report. Audit procedures were also performed to determine whether the District complied with applicable laws and regulations and our own policies and procedures. No findings were noted by the Auditors with respect these audit procedures.

View the Districts 2018-19 financial statements & audit report, click here.

For questions please contact Michael J. Ouimet, CPA, Assistant Superintendent for Business by telephone at 518-674-7065 or by email at ouimetm@apcsd.org.