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  7. Update to Class Cancellation,...

Dear Parents and Guardians,


On Monday, March 16, Governor Cuomo stated that all school districts in New York state will close for at least two weeks effective Wednesday, March 18. This will extend the class cancellation period through April 1 with a return to class on Thursday, April 2.

At this time, the most important step for you and your child is to establish a routine for online learning. We understand that every home will have different routines, so it’s important to create one that will allow your child to have a mix of online learning experiences, as well as time for creativity and physical activity that does not include a digital screen.

We invite all parents to visit and bookmark our district’s online learning website: https://sites.google.com/apcsd.org/onlinelearning/grade-level-department-resources. We will be using this site as a reference for parents to access materials and resources, find links to websites, and gain a better understanding of the tools that your child’s teachers are using to deliver instruction during this absence.

Finally, it’s our belief that, after surveying students today and providing devices where needed, that all students in grades 6-12 now have a device and internet access at home to allow for online instruction to continue. If, for any reason, there is still a need in your household, please contact your child’s building principal. We will be shifting our focus to our grades 3-5 students next. If you do not have an internet connected device at home for your child who is in grades 3-5, please contact your child’s principal so we can attempt to accommodate your request. We will try to meet all requests, though our supplies may be limited.