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Algonquin Middle School 3rd Marking Period Honor Rolls

It is a pleasure to list the 390 students who qualified for the Algonquin Honor Roll by attaining one of the following standards of scholastic achievement. Merit Roll — Average of 88-91, with no grade below 70 and no incompletes Honor Roll — Average of...

Algonquin News – May 11, 2023

APO STAFF BREAKFAST – THANK YOU! A huge thank you goes out to the many parents and community members that helped support the APO’s recent Staff Appreciation Breakfast.  This is always a great time and this year there was enough food to feed the staff multiple...

College in the HS Applications Available

If anyone is interested in taking College in the High School summer courses through Columbia-Greene Community College, applications can be obtained in the high school office. More information can be found here.

Evacuation Drill Helps to Practice for Emergency Situations

In an effort to promote school safety, the Averill Park Central School District conducted an emergency evacuation and relocation drill today with the transportation department. The intent of the drill was to provide training to staff in the event of having to relocate...

Students Selected for Sandra Morley PE Award

The Sandra Morley PE Leadership awards were handed out during a ceremony at Hudson Valley Community College this week. Students were selected for their leadership skills, positive attitude, behavior and performance. In total, 770 students from the region were...

Meet the Candidates Night Information

As a reminder, the Averill Park Central School District is giving residents the chance to hear from the candidates running for the Board of Education during a Meet the Candidates Night tonight (Tuesday, May 9) at 7:00 p.m. in the High School LGI. To view a livestream...