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Parent Guide to Internet Safety for the Summer

As we enter the summer months, we hope everyone in our school community enjoys some much-needed rest, relaxation, and fun. With children having more free time at home during the next two months, it is likely that they will be spending more time online. While the...

Second Grade Students Learn Beekeeping at a APHS Visit

Ms. Caboot’s Sustainable Horticulture students hosted the 2nd grade students from the three elementary schools on Friday! High School students ran stations to engage 2nd grade students in the topic of pollination! Senior Marlee Cooke, showcased the observation...

The WSL Ambassador Togetherness Group Began this Past October

The WSL Ambassador Togetherness Group promotes inclusion opportunities, encourages friendships between our general and special education students, and promotes awareness and acceptance to all students in our school. Different groups of students work together to...

Surfs Up with School Breakfast

To encourage more families to take advantage of the healthy choices available with school breakfast, our schools will celebrate National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) during March 4-8, 2024. Busy weekday mornings make it a challenge for many families to find time for a...

WSL’s Comfort Dog Passes the Good Citizen Test

WSL’s comfort dog, Tori, passed her K-9 Good Citizen test recently. This is the first step to becoming a certified therapy dog. For the past nine months, she has been going to Paws2Connect training one day a week. Tori serves our students at WSL for the other...

WSL 5th-Graders Vote on School Rules

The 5th-grade students at WSL became senators and representatives this morning and held a legislative session! Four bills passed in congress, and were approved by President Rosher. They successfully became new laws for WSL.   Congratulations 5th graders! These new...