The Smart Schools Bond Act was approved by voters during the general election on November 4, 2014. The Smart Schools Bond Act authorized $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance educational technology and infrastructure to improve the learning environment of students throughout the State. The plan allocated $2.1 million in ‘Smart Schools’ funds to the District for technology and security enhancements. Districts interested in obtaining funds were required to follow a rigorous process to develop and submit a Smart Schools Investment Plan.


PHASE I – 2015 – $1,085,055

    • Replacement of switches, including cabling, UPS
    • Wireless access points, including installation, licensing, cables
    • Distance Learning at AMS
    • Design and management costs, contingency

The Averill Park Central School District will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 27 to present a plan for the use of $2.1 million in ‘Smart Schools’ funds that have been allocated to the District for technology and security enhancements. The hearing will begin at 6 p.m., prior to the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting (6:30 p.m.), in the Averill Park High School Large Group Instruction room. All district residents are invited to attend the hearing.

The $2 billion Smart Schools Bond Act, which was approved by voters in November 2014, is intended to provide school districts with funding to improve educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning and opportunity for students throughout the state.

The bond funding can be used for capital projects including high-tech security features in school buildings, purchase of classroom technology, such as interactive whiteboards, laptops and tablets, and technology infrastructure, such as high-speed broad band, wireless capabilities or servers.

PHASE II – 2018 – $925,300

    • Security enhancements
    • Cameras and lighting

The Board of Education approved Phase II spending of the district’s allocated Smart Schools Bond Act funding at its meeting on Oct. 15, 2018.


Posted Oct. 18, 2018

APCSD Holds Public Hearing on Phase 2 of 'Smart Schools' Funding

The Averill Park Central School District held a public hearing on September 17, 2018 for Phase II spending of the Smart Schools Bond Act. It is anticipated the Board of Education will approve the spending plan at its meeting on October 15, 2018.

View the public forum presentation


APCSD to Hold Public Hearing on Phase 2 of 'Smart Schools' Funding Sept. 17

The Averill Park Central School District held a meeting on August 8 to discuss the plan to use Smart Schools Bond Act grant funds. A 30-day review of the plan is underway. A public hearing for Phase II spending will be held on Monday, Sept. 17 at 6:15 p.m., prior to the regular Board of Education meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Averill Park High School LGI.

The Smart Schools Bond Act allocated $2.1 million to the District for technology and security enhancements. Phase 1 purchases totalled $1,085,055 and included:

  • Replacement of switches, including cabling, UPS
  • Wireless access points, including installation,
  • licensing, cables
  • Distance Learning at AMS
  • Design and management costs, contingency

Phase 2 spending is estimated at $925,300 and would include security enhancements, cameras and lighting.

The presentation from the meeting is available below for your reference:
Smart Schools presentation

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Primeau at .


PHASE III – 2021 – $150,452

    • Chromebooks for elementary school
    • Provide 1:1 in each classroom in grades 2-4

APCSD Holds Public Hearing on Phase 3 of ‘Smart Schools’ Funding


For more information on the Smart Schools Bond Acts visit their website at


APCSD Smart Schools Investment Plan (Updated 2/9/21)
Averill Park Instructional Technology Plan
School District Allocations