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APHS English Department

Statement on Plagiarism

Dear Parents and Students:

English and language arts skills are essential to the success of all students.  Our subject is demanding of time, thought, and energy.  In some cases students may seek shortcuts that will allow them to complete challenging assignments with greater ease.  In doing so students shortchange their development as thinkers and writers, a situation that is intolerable.

Please understand that as a department we will not tolerate plagiarism in any form.  By plagiarism we mean the use of anyone else’s words or ideas without proper citation.  Such instances may include, but are not limited to:

·         Copying all or portions of a paper from internet or book sources

·         Submitting someone else’s work as one’s own

·         Using a paper of one’s own from another class or year (self-plagiarism)

·         Submitting work created by other students or parents

In the event that a student commits one of these infractions the assignment will receive a zero and a disciplinary report will be submitted to the administration of the high school.  Students may also incur further sanctions at the discretion of the teacher and administrators.

Please take the time to review this policy with your student and sign the affidavit below.  If you have any questions, please contact your child’s English teacher.



APHS English Department


I have taken a moment to discuss plagiarism with my child.  We understand that sources must always be cited.  Failure to do so will lead to a zero.

